纸牌屋 (House of Cards) 是个好剧,无论是编剧的表现手法还是对残酷现实的影射,蛮符合我的口味的(有点重了- -|)。But…
想起电影对话尼克松 (Frost/Nixon) 中当尼克松认罪时镜头下那肿胀的脸,满是孤寂失意的神情,以及当Frost提到美国人民后,Nixon那段发人深省的Confession:
I let them down.
I let down my friends, I let down the country.
And worst of all, I let down our system of government, and the dreams of all those young people that ought to get into government, but now they think, “It’s all too corrupt”.
I let the American people down…
所以House中的种种Cards, so what? so…不建议观看揣摩!再打自己十大板子。。。